Implant Treatment and Procedures

Implant Treatment and Procedures

Missing teeth pose problems not only for health but also for aesthetics. Implants offer a treatment method that eliminates these types of issues. By placing a screw that mimics the tooth root into the jawbone and a crown that mimics the tooth on top, the aim is for the patient to continue their daily life more comfortably and healthily. You can find more detailed information about the treatment and the treatment process in the rest of our article!


What is an Implant?


An implant is, in short, titanium screws placed into the jawbone. A dental prosthesis is then placed on these screws, thus eliminating the appearance of missing teeth.


One of the advantages of implants is that the neighboring teeth are not damaged during the treatment process. Also, since the implant serves the function of a tooth root, it does not produce an artificial appearance. After the treatment, you can comfortably eat, speak, and smile.


What Should Be Considered Before Getting a Dental Implant?


Before starting the treatment, the necessary examinations should be carefully carried out. Implant screws have their own length and width. Therefore, the area where the implant will be applied must have the height and width to accept the implant screw.


One of the factors affecting the implant treatment is the patient's bone structure. For the treatment to be successful, the patient must have suitable bone tissue. The treatment should not start without determining the tissue of the bone.


In Which Situations Is Implant Treatment Not Applied?


There are some conditions where it is not recommended to proceed with implantation:


  • Pregnancy,
  • Use of certain medications (e.g., Bisphosphonates),
  • Pre-adulthood periods,
  • Patients undergoing radiotherapy or chemotherapy


Due to these contraindications, the physician conducting the procedure must be well-informed about the patient's medical history and health status.


At Dentgroup, we think of every detail for you and ensure your satisfaction with the most accurate treatment. You can easily get an online appointment to contact us and comfortably receive your treatment!